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Alumni Team Leading 


In September, I will be moving back to Gainesville for 6 weeks and then launch overseas with another squad. This time instead of being a racer, I will be leading a team of 6-7 girls! I will be walking alongside and discipling them for the first 3 months of their race. 



Catch me asking God the same thing. Back in December the Lord asked me to surrender my plans and allow Him to direct my next step. When He first mentioned team leading i rejected it. I told myself i wasn’t qualified nor equipped. but over and over the Lord reminded me that if He calls me there He also equips me. I got continual yes’ and affirmations about it. Since I said yes, the Lord has changed my heart in so many ways and I am absolutely pumped to meet and lead my new team. He’s so cool like that. 


What does this look like? 

FUNDRAISING!! Yay! i’m not sure if you noticed, but my fundraising bar says 0 of $3000. The crazy thing about this is I am not one bit worried because i’ve seen God do bigger. The Lord taught me a ton about fundraising when I went on my race. I am excited to see how He is going to bless me and how you all will be blessed through this experience! stay tuned for some fundraisers :)! My goal is to be fully funded by august! that gives us a little more than 2 months to raise $3000, which I know God can do! 


I love you all so much & I am so grateful for all the support! stay tuned for updates and all the things! 


God is so good! see you soon 21-22’ racers 😉 


muchos love, 




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