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Steadfast: firmly fixed in place; immovable; not subject to change.

Obedience: to follow commands or guidance; to conform or comply with.


This concept of steadfast obedience is something I’ve recently become extremely interested in practicing. While I have often heard both words separately, I don’t often find them together. The thought of being firmly fixed on God’s commands is so powerful. What joy and strength would come from living a life of steadfast obedience. 

Most of my life, I have found it pretty easy to do what God asks. Whether it is to have a specific conversation or sit with someone at lunch, I had very little contemplation before giving in. For me, that was because I was confident that my reward would be worth a couple minutes of embarrassment or regret. I am by no means saying I’ve never said no. I think because I have said no, and felt the disappointment, is why I find saying yes to these things easy. Missing an opportunity to listen, to make someone feel loved, or make someone feel heard is never easy. As I have gotten older, I realized that it’s not always an easy yes. A lot of times doing what God is calling you to pushes you far from your comfort zone. My brother, Jacob, is always reminding me that you don’t experience growth in your comfort zone. 

Many people have asked me how I am feeling personally. While most of you all know the facts, I haven’t been completely transparent with my emotions. If you know me, you know I am the biggest homebody and family girl. I spend every Sunday afternoon surrounded with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents, and I wouldn’t trade one for the world. It is my favorite family tradition. I love holidays simply because of the community that gathers around the table, the tree, or even the fireworks. I do realize that most kids my age take high school graduation as an opportunity to go to a college as far away as possible for many reasons. After deciding on a gap year, my parents wanted to prepare a backup plan, or two, just in case. When I began looking into and applying for colleges, I realized I wanted more than anything to stay close to home. The farther I looked, the less interested I became. So, to be transparent with my emotions, I have to honestly say that I am scared and I am sad. A lot of big things have happened for my family in the past year. I am afraid to miss out on these things, good and bad. Part of me wishes I could do senior year with my best friends. Being able to dress up for Friday night football games, having endless weekend sleepovers, and serving at church every Sunday is something I took for granted. On the other hand, I know that I am going to be more rewarded for this yes, than any other yes before it. I honestly could not be more excited to see how God uses me and my squad mates. I feel that God has used this virus to prepare me. I have never been a big fan of change (going back to my comfort zone). I feel like he used it to remind me of his control, faithfulness, and the fact that he works everything together for my good and his glory. While I don’t know what this next phase is fully going to look like, I am ready to say yes with steadfast obedience. The song “Available” by Elevation Worship says, “For the One who gave me life, nothing is a sacrifice”. My prayer for you is that you begin to believe it and act it out. 

I just want to say a major thank you for each prayer, donation, or share of a post. Look at the number in the donation box. That is because of YOU. You all made that possible. I am so, so grateful for each of you. Always remember, I am one text/call/DM/comment/or letter away! I love you all <3

songs of the week: 

Available by Elevation Worship

Promises by Maverick City

Control by Tenth Avenue North (the acoustic version is my favorite) 

all the love,

Kaylin Stanley 🙂


2 responses to “Steadfast Obedience”

  1. I love you sweet girl!! I am so proud of your commitment and dedication to this even thru this crazy time of life and personal situations at home. You amaze me with your faith and strength!! I’m praying for your continued strength and for your heart!!! I’m proud of your steadfast obedience!!! God’s got this and he’s using you in a big way!!

  2. thank you so much, Lori. i am so beyond grateful for you & the friendship you have with my family. you’re the best.